Low Back Pain and Chiropractic
Have you been suffering with low back pain?
What about issues that you haven’t been able to find an answer to yet? Maybe you’ve been told you have conditions such as disc herniations, disc bulges or sciatica. These types of low back diagnoses have been affecting more of our friends and loved ones than it has any right to, robbing us of our quality of life and peace of mind. We live in an enlightened age where there are so many bandages that we can throw at a problem to try and cover it up but somehow never seem to get to the root of these issues. If you are at the end of your rope and growing frustrated with the traditional “standard of care” that is imposed on you and your road to recovery maybe it’s time for a different approach. If you live in the Sarasota area and have been looking for answers that don’t involve surgeries, injections or medications as the default solution then maybe you should consider chiropractic. Just like in any field, though it is extremely important to find the right one that will do whatever they can to help you and your body heal to its highest potential.
We all have histories that involve either accidents or injuries from our past or simply daily repetitive micro traumas that slowly wear down our spine as our lives move on. So what do you do when the day inevitably arrives that the low back pain rears its ugly head. Where will you look to find your low back relief? Sure you could just pop a few pain pills to cover it up, or take a muscle relaxer because it’s gotten to the point you're having excruciating muscle spasms. Perhaps that cortisone shot is starting to sound really appealing but everyone knows it's only a temporary fix where multiple rounds produce diminishing results. So again what are you going to do? How long can you keep patching the problem until the foundation finally crumbles? We are ultimately the ones responsible for our bodies and it’s time we start asking the right questions about how to properly care and maintain them, after all we only get one.
If you are getting low back pain and just easily say it isn’t a big deal then when will it finally be a big deal? When you see a check engine light come on in your car I know I become suddenly motivated to fix whatever the issue is so I don’t cause more damage and pay more down the road. It’s no different with your spine, symptoms are human check engine lights. We are having problems and all we are doing is putting a piece of tape over the light and hoping it will just go away. The spine is a vast and complicated structure that protects our nervous system. It should never be taken for granted and believing that these types of low back conditions are the norm is just us being misinformed on a fundamental level. It’s easy to put things off until tomorrow or the next day or the next, but when will we finally wake up and realize that the pain we are going through is just simply common, not normal?
Maybe it's time to not just try chiropractic but to try corrective chiropractic. If you are looking for answers to your low back pain in the Sarasota area and wanting to not only find relief from your pain but put in motion the stepping stones required to achieve a healthier spine then perhaps it's finally time to think outside the box. Maybe it's time to be there for your spine! After all it's always been there for us rain or shine.
Don’t wait until it’s too late. Click the link below to book your first spinal evaluation in our office.